We're very pleased with the decline rates, and overall the impact of Forter on our business has been much greater than we expected.
Kate Kagan
Senior Fraud Analyst
One of the world's largest marketplaces for digital services
400+ categories, across 8 verticals
Forter customer since 2017

Extremely High Decline Rate and Chargeback Rate

Extremely high decline rate and chargeback rate

Digital goods are popular targets for fraudsters because of the easy onboarding and fast transactions. The nature of Fiverr’s business required a frictionless user experience, but too many fraudsters were taking advantage of the platform. Fiverr had an extremely high decline rate and chargeback rate which hurt their bottom line.

Real-time decisioning to prevent fraudulent transactions

Fiverr wanted a solution with real-time decisioning and could accurately distinguish real buyers from bad actors. The company wanted to ensure that legitimate users would have a friction-free, easy experience. 

Solution slashes decline rate and chargeback rate

Thanks to Forter’s Payment Fraud Protection Solution, Fiverr has slashed the decline rate by 50% and the fraud chargeback loss rate has been reduced to 0%. Forter’s use of behavioral data helps distinguish real buyers from fraudsters. Now Fiverr has a fraud prevention solution that allows them to accept more orders and focus on growth.

See how Forter can help grow your business

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